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Patrick Beauchesne

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I am an associate professor of anthropology in the department of Behavioral Sciences here at UM Dearborn. I am a biological anthropologist by training and my work has emphasized how culture and biology interact to shape health. My work has taken around the world, and I’ve had the good fortune to explore and experience many different cultures.

As a Hub affiliate, I have two goals: 1) to contribute to our understanding of Practice Based Learning (PBL) on campus as we collectively move in this pedagogical direction together, and 2) to contribute to the public discourse on the challenges we face in academia, particularly around stress and mental health. In my discussions of PBL, I also explore the role of ‘ungrading’ and how it might help reduce stress on both students and faculty, as well as lead to better learning.

Recent Blog Posts from Patrick

wall art rendering of the word "together"

Collective Care is Self-Care

By Patrick Beauchesne, Hub Faculty Affiliate 2022 (added to blog by Jessica Riviere) “The physiologi…

The Invisible Wounds of Workaholism: Pushing Back Against Academic Conventions

The Invisible Wounds of Workaholism: Pushing Back Against Academic Conventions

Author: Patrick Beauchesne one of our 2021-2022 Hub Faculty Affiliates Photo by Stefano Pollio on Un…