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Wessam Elmeleigi

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Dr. Wessam Elmeleigi is assistant professor of Arabic and comparative literature at the Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts, and the Director of the Center for Arab American Studies, as well as the director of the Arabic Translation Certificate, the Comparative Literature Certificate, and the Arabic Studies Major. He is the author of three books, on  the poetry of Arab womencultural identity and migration, and Arabic science fiction. He is also a graphic novelist and artist and has published two graphic novels, Y and Y, and Jamila

Recent Blog Posts from Wessam

Make it Your Own: Creative Projects as Agency in Language and Literature Classes

Make it Your Own: Creative Projects as Agency in Language and Literature Classes

In a time of information overload, the flux of input might seem to either dull individuality or moti…

Be Well, Be Passionate, and Students Will Get It 

Be Well, Be Passionate, and Students Will Get It 

This post was authored by Wessam Elmeligi and is part of a series of posts from participants in the …